Antiochis Ad Cragum Ancient City

Antiochis Ad Cragum Ancient City

This ancient city is located within the confines of Güneyköy Village of Alanya District of Antalya. The city is located within the borders of the region known as “Rough Cilicia” in ancient times. The site is encompassing an area of approximately three hectares.

The city was also called Parva Antiochetta or Antioch. The city’s name (Antioch) comes from the name of the Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Hellenistic ruler), who reigned over the state created by the Seleucid dynasty.

According to several ancient sources, this ancient city is an important Roman commercial center and during the Byzantine era.

İts estimated that Antiochia ad Cragum was founded around 170 BC. With its harbor, Antiochia possibly served for the Cilician pirates. It’s believed that, during the first half of the first century B.C., this pirates operated from these shores and preyed upon shipping and coastal communities of the eastern Mediterranean.

Pirate scourge ended by the Pompey the Great in 67 B.C., with a naval victory at nearby Korakesion (Source: Antiochia ad Cragum Archaeological Research Project, Roman commander Pompey the Great put end to the piracy. In the Byzantine period Antiochia had the rank of the bishopric.

The buildings from the city to the present day are the medieval fortress, agora, colonnaded street, church, bathhouse, monumental gate, temple, necropolis graves and triconhos.

The Antiochia ad Cragum Archaeological Research Project (ACARP) has been conducting excavations at the site since 2004. In this excavation study (2015) a figure of mythological medusa was found.

Antiocheia Ad Cragum Ancient City is free to visit. This is an area where new archaeological finds are constantly made.

You can reach this ancient city from Gazipaşa District by going to Mersin. Follow D400  road to Mersin and turn off it around 19 km east of Gazipaşa. The turn-off is located just before the village of Güney and marked by a brown signpost. From this junction to the ruins of Antiochia there are 6 km of narrow and winding but well-maintained road.


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