Rafting and Breakfast on Dim River & Dim Cave Tour in Antalya-Turkey

Rafting and Breakfast on Dim River & Dim Cave Tour in Antalya-Turkey

Dim River and is located about 15 km away from the Alanya district of Antalya.

This river and its environs are a living point that is intertwined with nature. Steep slopes on both sides of the river are covered with forest

It is known as a place preferred by extreme sports lovers because it is more suitable for rafting the higher parts of the river where the flow rate is high. Dim River, which is one of the easiest rivers, is very suitable for amateur rafting people. The rafting difficulty of the river is between 1-2 degrees.

A variety of picnic areas, restaurants and tea gardens can be found on the edge of Dim Cay. There are many restaurants and tea gardens around the river. You can have breakfast and eat at these restaurants. In hot weather, it is possible to sit on platforms built on the cool waters of the river, to eat and drink tea.

There are many cafes and restaurants around the Dim River. You may not understand how the day is spent on the gazebos in Dim River, which is famous for its trout.

One of the features that make this trip unique is that you can eat something while your feet are in the water thanks to the tables placed inside the river.

In some restaurants you can hunt and cook your trout yourself. Fresh fishes prepared as grills or pans are served at the visual feast.

Most of the restaurants start in the early hours of the morning until 01.00 hours.

There are aquaparks in and around the river where children and adults can have fun.

There are also some enterprises that provide swimming opportunities in artificial ponds created by using water passing through water.

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